Entry 1 - 11/4/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 5 Pg 159
What was our new central government called?
What powers did this new government have?
How did the US government work to pay off its debt?
What was the Northwest Ordinance?
Entry 2 - 11/5/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 5 Pg 160
Who were among the most affected by the recession following the war?
Why were they so affected?
Why did Shays’s Rebellion break out?
What affect did the rebellion have?
2024 Election Results assignment
Entry 3 - 11/7/2-24 - Ol Blue Pg 166
What is the difference between the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan?
Why was it necessary for the Connecticut Compromise?
How did the men agree to represent the slave population?
Friday 11/8/2024 - Assignment
US Constitution Worksheet
Entry 4 - 11/11/2024 - Ol Blue Pg 180
Define Popular Sovereignty, federalism, enumerated powers, reserved powers, concurrent powers
Identify Amendments 1-8
Entry 5 - 11/12/2024 - Ol Blue Pg 211
Define Cabinet, Bonds, Speculators
What is the difference between enumerated powers and implied powers?
Chapter 6 worksheets out of Ol Blue - No online copy
Entry 6 - 11/13/2024 - Ol Blue Pg 213
Why did a rebellion begin in Western Pennsylvania in 1794?
Identify a few of the differences between the two new political parties of the 1790s
Entry 7 - 11/14/2024 - Ol Blue Pg 217
What two things did Washington warn Americans against when he left office?
Why did the Quasi-War break out with France?
Why was the Election of 1800 an important turning point in American history?
Entry 8 - 11/15/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 6 Pg 222
How was Jefferson different from previous presidents?
What did the Judiciary Act of 1801 do?
Monday - 11/18/2024 - Project
New Nation Project
Due on Friday - 11/22
Entry 9 - 11/19/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 6 Pg 223
Who did the US buy the Louisiana Territory from?
How much did the US pay?
What was the expedition called?
Entry 10 - 11/20/2024 - Lewis and Clark PowerPoint
What were the four objectives of the expedition?
Where did the expedition spend the winter of 1804-05?
Lewis and Clark PowerPoint
Monday 11/25/2024 - Assignment
Lewis and Clark WebQuest
Monday 12/2/2024 - Assignment
Answer the following questions and turn in to the folder on the table
Chapter 6 section 4 - Page 228
The Decision for War:
What was the leading concern incoming president Madison inherited from President Jefferson?
Why was Britain’s agreement to end all restrictions on American trade too late?
Why did Americans in the South and West want war?
How did Congress vote when President Madison asked for a declaration of war in 1812?
The Invasion of Canada: Pg 230
5. What problems faced the United States when war was declared on Britain in 1812?
The War Ends: Pg 231
6. What were three parts to the British strategy for war against the United States in 1814?
7. How did the Federalist Party come to an end?
Entry 11 - 12/4/2024 - Ol Blue Pg 232
What did many Federalists discuss in Hartford Connecticut in Dec 1814?
What is nationalism?
New Nation Review - Quiz tomorrow
Entries due tomorrow
Entry 1 - 12/9/2024 Ol Blue Ch 7 Pg 252
What is meant by the South claiming that “Cotton is King”?
What are slave codes?
What was the Missouri Compromise? Pg 257
Entry 2 - 12/10/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 7 Pg 259
Who won the election of 1824?
Who was Henry Clay?
What was the Corrupt Bargain?
How were voting rights expanded before the election of 1828? - Pg 267
Wednesday 12/11/2024 - Assignment
Andrew Jackson WebQuest
Entry 3 - 12/12/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 8 Pg 268
Why was South Carolina threatening to secede?
What was the Force Bill?
Which Native American tribe refused to leave its land in Georgia?
Why did Jackson not support the National Bank?
Entry 4 - 12/13/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 9 Pg 301
How did Mexico try to encourage Americans to move into Texas?
What are empresarios?
What was the Alamo?