Entry 1 - 11/6/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 6 Pg 217

  1. What did President Washington warn the American people of when he left office?

Timelines are due tomorrow

2nd Period RBHI Screening on Clever


Entry 2 - 11/7/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 6 Pg 220

  1. Why was the election of 1800 an “important turning point in American history”?

  2. Who did the United States purchase Louisiana from?

  3. What were the main objectives to the Corps of Discovery? - PowerPoint

Wednesday 11/8/2023 - Assignment

Lewis and Clark WebQuest


Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

Lewis and Clark PowerPoint

Entry 3 - 11/9/2023 - PowerPoint

  1. What did they NOT run out of on the expedition?

  2. Where did they spend the winter of 1804-05?

Entry 4 - 11/13/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 6 Pg 225

  1. Why did the US issue the Embargo Act of 1807?

  2. What were the effects of this embargo?

  3. Why were the War Hawks pushing for war with Britain? pg 229

Entry 5 - 11/14/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 6 Pg 229

  1. Who was Tecumseh?

  2. Why did American forces not have success in their invasion of Canada?

  3. What were the results of the British invasion into Washington DC?

Thursday - 11/16/2023


War of 1812 WebQuest

Friday - 11/17/2023


Slavery in America Timeline

11/20/2023 Daily discussion

Star-Spangled Banner

American Flag and National Anthem Questions - not an assignment

Entry 6 - 11/21/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 7, Pg 257

  1. What was the Missouri Compromise?

  2. Who won more popular votes in the election of 1824?

  3. What corrupt bargain did Jackson accuse Henry Clay and Adams of making?

Entry 7 - 11/27/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 8 Pg 266

  1. How were voting rights expanded between election of 1824-1828?

  2. What were Jackson’s policies towards the Native Americans?

  3. Why was Jackson suspicious of the National Bank?

  4. Why was the new party called the Whig party?

11/28/2023 - Assignment

The Alamo WebQuest

Entry 8 - 11/29/2023 Ol Blue Ch 9 Pg 307

  1. What promises did James Polk make which helped him win the election of 1844?

  2. What did the term “54-Forty or Fight” mean?

  3. What were the terms of the Treaty that ended the Mexican-American War?

Entry 9 - 11/30,2023 - Ol Blue Ch 10 Pg 323

  1. Identify the resolutions that Henry Clay created that become the Compromise of 1850?

  2. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin? Pg 326

  3. Why was the Fugitive Slave Act so controversial?

  4. What was the Underground Railroad?

Entry 1 - 12/4/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 10 Pg 334

  1. Who was Dred Scott?

  2. Who was John Brown?

  3. Why did South Carolina secede? Pg 342

  4. How was the Confederate constitution similar or different from the US?

Entry 2 - 12/5/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 10-11 Pg 343

  1. Why did the South fire on Fort Sumter?

  2. Why did Lincoln impose Martial Law in Maryland?

  3. Identify some of the advantages that both sides had - Pg 351

Wednesday 12/6/2023 - Assignment

Civil War Annotations - 20 points

Use the link below to access the History Channel website. Once there you will find several other links that will open up stories about different topics within the Civil War. Choose two of those links (topics) and write down 10 facts from each topic. For Example, there is a topic on the First Battle of Bull Run. Open that link and read through the story. Copy down 10 facts. Then go back to main page and choose another topic.

10 facts from each = 20 facts. 20 points


December 7, 2023

Entry 3 - 12/7/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 11 Pg 356

  1. What were the strategies for both the North and the South?

  2. What was the result of the first Battle of Bull Run?

  3. Why was it important for the Union army to capture the town of Corinth, Mississippi? Pg. 360

Entry 4 - 12/11/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 11 Pg 362

  1. Why did Lee decide to invade the North?

  2. How did the Emancipation Proclamation transform the conflict?

  3. How did the war affect the economies for both the North and the South?

  4. What was the 54th Massachussetts?

Wednesday 12/13/2023 - Assignment

Civil War Medicine WebQuest


1. What does Lincoln mean by "four score and seven years ago"? Who are "our fathers"?

2. What is he saying is significant about America?

3. What specific ideas does Lincoln ask his listeners to commit themselves to at the end of his speech?

Entry 5 - 12/18/2023 - Ol Blue Ch 11, sec 5 Pg 378

  1. What was Sherman’s mentality when attacking the Atlanta?

  2. Who ran against Lincoln in 1864?

  3. Where did Lee surrender to Grant?

Civil War Timeline

Civil War Review - https://quizlet.com/865769837/civil-war-review-flash-cards/?i=1uirx6&x=1qqt

Entry 1 - 1/2/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 12 Pg 386

  1. What was Reconstruction?

  2. What was Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction?

  3. What were the goals of the Radical Republicans?

Wednesday 1/3/2024 - Assignment

Reconstruction WebQuest1

Entry 2 - 1/4/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 12 Pg 388

  1. How did the Wade-Davis Bill differ from Lincoln’s plan for Reconstruction?

  2. What was the purpose of the Freedmen’s Bureau?

  3. Why were many members of Congress “angered” by December 1865? - Pg 393

Entry 3 - 1/5/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 12 Pg 393

  1. Why did Southern states pass Black Codes?

  2. What is the 14th Amendment?

Entry 4 - 1/8/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 12 Pg 394

  1. What did the military Reconstruction Act do?

  2. How did the Tenure of Office Act lead to Johnson’s impeachment?

  3. What was the 15th Amendment?

Tuesday 1/9/2024 - Because, But, So…

3 Sentences

The Southern states passed Black Codes,

Wednesday 1/10/2024 - Assignment

Reconstruction WebQuest2

#15 - Reconstruction Success or Failure

Entry 5 - 1/11/2024 - Ol Blue Ch 12 Pg 399

  1. What were Carpetbaggers and Scalawags?

  2. Why was it claimed that “Black Republicansim” ruled the South?

  3. How did the election of 1876 end? - pg 405

Semester Exam Timeline

Due Thursday at 10pm - PowerPoint or Google Slides

This timeline is replacing our exam.

It is worth 20 percent of your final semester grade.

You MUST have a short description for each of the 30 events.

An image is required for at least 15 events.

Each event listed in order is worth 1 point

Each description is worth 1 point

Each image required is worth 1 point

Total points - 75 points