Welcome to American Studies II = History/Government

Daily Entries

Expect to have Entry Questions most days. Record these into your notebooks and include the Entry Number and Date!!

I collect entries before every quiz. these are our daily grade and by the end of a quarter or semester account for a lot of points!!

Assignments will also be posted on these pages under the dates they are assigned.

How much of the time do you think you can trust the government to do what is right?

  1. Just about always

  2. Most of the time

  3. Some of the time

  4. Hardly ever

Entry 1 - 9/4/2024 - TCI book Chapter 1, page 1

  1. What is power?

  2. Identify the Five sources of power?

  3. Define: Mandate of Heaven, Divine Right of Kings, Social Contract Theory

  4. Why did the English colonists create the Mayflower Compact?

Entry 2 - 9/5/2024 - TCI book Pg 19

  1. What is the difference between a direct democracy and a representative democracy?

  2. What is the difference between an absolute monarchy and constitutional monarchy?

  3. Explain Karl Marx’s goals for creating his communist society?

  4. How is Fascism different from communism?

9/6/2024 - Assignment

Create your own country project

On your own or you are able to work in groups no larger than 3

Entry 3 - 9/10/2024 - TCI book CH. 3 Pg 37

  1. Define: Rule of Law, Limited Government, Individual Rights, Separation of Powers, Popular Sovereignty, Constitutionalism, Majority Rule

  2. What influenced early colonial ideas about government?

  3. How did Thomas Aquinas influence the idea of natural law?

  4. How did the Magna Carta change life for English citizens?

Monday - 9/16/2024

Projects are due

Week 2 review - write your answers on to a separate sheet of paper

What was the Enlightenment?

The Enlightenment was an intellectual movement in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries that sought to improve society through fact-based reason and inquiry. The Enlightenment reshaped the ways people understood issues such as liberty, equality, and individual rights.

Today those ideas serve as the cornerstone of the world’s strongest democracies.

  1. Thomas Hobbes

  2. John Locke

  3. Baron de Montesquieu

  4. Jean Jacques Rousseau

  5. Mary Wollstonecraft

Enlightenment Thinkers

9/19/2024 Assignment - Enlightenment Poster

Friday - 9/20/2024

Vocab word Assignment - Use the Frayer model template below to define, use in a sentence, synonym, etc.. the following terms:

  1. Unalienable Rights

  2. Sovereignty

  3. Rule of Law

  4. Representative government

  5. Limited government